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  • Agora helps cross-border e-commerce business achieve significant GMV growth with live streaming
Kamis, 23 Desember 2021 16:01:00

Agora helps cross-border e-commerce business achieve significant GMV growth with live streaming

BEIJING, CHINA - Media OutReach - 23 December 2021 - Today, some major e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Shopee, AliExpress, and Lazada have launched the live streaming feature. In the first half of this year alone, the social media strategy brought AliExpress 2.5 times more user growth than in the whole of last year.

When it comes to live commerce, apart from the familiar model of a single person hosting live broadcast, co-host is also gaining popularity, mainly divided into host with guests, host with viewers, and in competition with other hosts. Moreover, live-streamers can also connect with users in a live studio in real time, to share shopping experiences with them and answer their questions. Sellers of different brands can also connect with each other across live studios in real time, to enhance effect and sales of their live streaming channel.

The one-stop e-commerce live streaming solution of Agora featuring "live streaming technology + innovative features" is able to empower independent sites, company-owned sites, and cross-border e-commerce platforms. In addition, Agora can also provide real-time interactive features such as auction, offering limited-time coupons, flash sale, and bargaining, etc., and support innovative models such as green screen live streaming, 3D virtual setting live streaming, VR live streaming, virtual live-streamers, etc. It can meet various needs of clients for live e-commerce. In order to enable cross-border e-commerce clients to quickly launch live studios, Agora has also partnered with multiple anchor unions to provide high-quality hosts across multiple time zones, countries, and languages globally.

Agora's self-built Software Defined Real-time Network™ (SD-RTN™) covers more than 200 countries and regions, with ultra-low latency, high concurrency, and high availability. It has been specifically optimized for the networks in small and medium-sized cities across Southeast Asia, Middle East and China, with a high-quality global end-to-end network transmission rate of over 99%. As for low latency, SD-RTN™ can achieve the global end-to-end network latency of less than 400ms and the median latency of 76ms. In addition, its network architecture is able to handle more than 10 times of load and up to ten million concurrent connections, to meet the high-fluency, high-stability and high-concurrency requirements of voice chats in e-commerce live streaming scenarios in the particular e-commerce promotion.

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