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  • Collab Asia inks agreement regarding content licensing with Nintendo, as a first-ever with an MCN outside of Japan
Selasa, 04 Mei 2021 06:09:00

Collab Asia inks agreement regarding content licensing with Nintendo, as a first-ever with an MCN outside of Japan

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 4 May 2021 - Collab Asia, a leading digital content studio and talent network in APAC, today announced a new licensing agreement with Nintendo for its content creators, Collab Asia Game Streamers under the Collab Asia network, to monetize gameplay footage derived from Nintendo Game Content, accelerating support for the production, distribution, and monetization of live game videos. 


Eugene Choi, CEO and Co-founder of Collab Asia, Inc


Collab Asia's creators are approved to monetize Nintendo Game Content through the following methods: Facebook Game Streamer, Facebook Level Up Program, Niconico Creators Program, Niconico Channel, OPENREC Creators Program, Twitch Affiliate Program and Twitch Partner Program, Amplify Publisher Program, YouTube Partner Program, "Item Revenue" and "Video Ad Revenue" in TwitCasting Monetization Program, and Mirrativ "gifts".  


This milestone for Collab Asia follows the recent opening of its first office in Mainland China. The company's new facility in Shenzhen will support Collab Asia's strategic growth in Greater China, where it has maintained a strong presence for the past 3 years. The Shenzhen office is Collab Asia's 8th office, supplementing the company's existing footprint in Korea, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong SAR, and Singapore.


"As the premier digital media partner for creators, brands, and media platforms in Asia, we understand that people are consuming more content and creating more content than ever before across Asia. As part of this, we look forward to enabling our creators to responsibly create content using Nintendo's unparalleled intellectual property, storied titles, and legendary characters," said Eugene Choi, the CEO and co-founder of Collab Asia, Inc.


As of 2020, Collab Asia manages 4,000 video channels and social media accounts with 270 million loyal subscribers across leading platforms such as YouTube, TikTok and Facebook. In order to further support the global business expansion plan, Collab Asia is currently commencing series C financing, to help ensure even more talented creators can share their work with audiences across the world.

About Collab Asia:

Collab Asia is a leading digital content studio and talent network in APAC with over 200 experts and a talent network of 2,000+ creators operating across 8 offices in Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong SAR, Shenzhen and Singapore. The company works with global brands, agencies, and platforms to grow their popularity and reach new audiences through cutting-edge marketing solutions that are distributed across multiple territories and platforms in Asia. Collab Asia has partnered with 200 global brands to tell their story to the world; the company also managed 4,000 social media accounts and channels with 270 million loyal subscribers across leading platform such as Weibo, Duoyin, Bilibili, iQiyi, Netease Music, Toutiao, Tencent Video, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook etc. In 2020, the company uploaded more than 200,000 videos generating around 45 billion views and 630 million interactions.


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