Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2019 17:12:00

World's first Entrepreneur Token (E3T) to list on

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach - 25 October 2019 - Global cryptocurrency platform has been selected by E3, a Malaysian entrepreneur development organisation to conduct an initial exchange offering of the world's first Entrepreneur Token E3T (E3 Token). E3 aims to build the world's largest digital ecosystem for global entrepreneurs powered by E3T. E3T is a utility token and acts as a medium exchange among E3 members within a closedloop entrepreneur ecosystem.

"We envision a future of leveraging on blockchain technology to develop a medium of exchange that can be used globally among entrepreneurs. We believe by year 2030, more than 1% of a country's GDP where E3 has its presence will utilise E3T as the utility token of choice. We want to bridge the disparity by having our own medium of exchange with a value that is parity between entrepreneurs in different countries. We will pave the way to tap into the vast potential of blockchain and connect entrepreneurs via the E3 Platform", said Andrew Wong, Founder of E3.

Among the utilisation of E3T includes, but not limited:

a.      To serve as a medium of exchange within E3 Platform

b.      To power up E3 Global Marketplace

c.       To be used extensively in the sharing economy

d.      To fund entrepreneurial projects under the equity funding platform

e.      To facilitate cross border money payment and transfers

f.        To be the mode of payment to attend activities organised by E3 Academy

g.      To fund the development of E3 DApps and E3 Blockchain Incubator

h.      To create an E3T Tokenized Asset Trading platform

i.        To build an E3T Multifunctional Wallet

The IEO of E3T is strictly limited to a hardcap of 4,000,000 E3T valued at 0.03USDT (1 USDT = US$1). The IEO is currently underway on DCoin Exchange and is set to run until October 26th, 2019 before listing on DCoin Exchange on October 28th, 2019.

Visit DCoin Exchange to participate in the IEO or learn more about E3T


E3 is an entrepreneur development organisation and the operator of E3 Entrepreneur Hubs around South East Asia region. E3 is the acronym of "Entrepreneurs Empowering Entrepreneurs" and is the operator of the world's largest Digital Economy Platform. E3 aspires to build 1000 Entrepreneur Hubs globally and empowers more than 500,000 entrepreneurs, mentors, trainers and investors.

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