Selasa, 06 Februari 2018 09:11:00
South Korea tech boom to spur on growth, DHL trade data suggests
The first ever Global Trade Barometer, an early indicator of global trade developments calculated using Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and predictive analytics predicts that South Korea's high-tech industry will continue to underpin the nation

Senin, 05 Februari 2018 09:34:00
SpherePay, Singapore FinTech Company Open Its Cryptocurrency ICO Today, Releasing 4 billion SAY Tokens For Sale
SpherePay is developed by OPG Asia Pte Ltd, a company founded in Singapore in 2017. OPG is the world's leading provider of financial innovation and payment services. The company is committed to the development of electronic business and operations to

Senin, 05 Februari 2018 09:24:00
idsMED and We Doctor sign MOU forming a Smart Medical Supply Chain & Procurement joint venture in China
The idsMED Group is an integrated medical supply chain solutions company supplying medical equipment, consumables and value-added services to thousands of hospitals and care institutions across the Asia Pacific.

Senin, 05 Februari 2018 09:23:00
The 16th Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum announces new projects; Three new countries to be represented for the first time this year
HAF is one of the most prominent film-financing platforms in Asia and provides a forum to connect filmmakers and their new projects with internationally established film financiers, producers, bankers, distributors, buyers and funders for potential co-pro

Sabtu, 03 Februari 2018 20:21:00
Vetter memperkenalkan farmasi dan bioteknologi masyarakat Korea Selatan
A rapidly growing local economy, combined with a regulatory environment conducive to the industry is a strong incentive for doing business in the country.

Sabtu, 03 Februari 2018 20:17:00
JD.com and Fung Retailing Form Artificial Intelligence Partnership
Other areas of focus within the agreement include cooperation on the construction of AI infrastructure, as well as smart retail, creating AI-driven solutions that break down the barriers between online and offline, and exploring the intersection of AI and

Jumat, 02 Februari 2018 10:32:00
Dengarkan Rekaman Piringan Hitam Cokelat dan Jelajahi Dunia Cokelat Mini
Harbour City bekerjasama dengan Seniman Miniatur Jepang terkemuka, Tatsuya Tanaka, untuk mengubah Atrium II, Gateway Arcade menjadi "Chocolate MINI Hong Kong" dengan tema "mini CHOCOllection".

Jumat, 02 Februari 2018 10:28:00
SpherePay, Set To Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency called SAY In Partnership With ODYSSEY (OCN)
Having earlier announced its biggest partnership with oBike that saw the company acquiring over 5 million users in South East Asia, SpherePay has up its game by venturing into the cryptocurrency arena.

Jumat, 02 Februari 2018 10:24:00
SME dan TME Group Luncurkan Label Baru Bernama Liquid State
Adalah rumah baru bagi para musisi EDM di kawasan Asia dan internasional. Label ini akan menemukan, menampilkan dan mengembangkan bakat lokal melimpah yang ada saat ini untuk menciptakan konten orisinal, sekaligus memberikan dukungan yang tak tertandingi

Rabu, 31 Januari 2018 17:43:00
Yidan Prize Convenes Educating for the Future Conference in Cambridge
Convened at the University of Cambridge and titled "Educating for the Future", the conference examined the global economic and social challenges driving the need for transformational education reform, and the changes needed for education systems

Rabu, 31 Januari 2018 17:28:00
Avnet signs MOU with the Hanoi University of Science and Technology to Launch IoT Masterclass Series for Engineering Students
Frederick Fu, President of Avnet Asia Pacific said, "Vietnam is an important market for Avnet. It is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and it has massive potential to harness the power of IoT.

Rabu, 31 Januari 2018 17:23:00
Menurut Data Perdagangan DHL, Konsumsi berbasis ekonomi untuk mendorong pertumbuhan perdagangan terus China
The first ever DHL Global Trade Barometer, an early indicator of global trade developments calculated using Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and predictive analytics suggests that Chinese exports -- particularly those of consumer goods,

Selasa, 30 Januari 2018 19:03:00
SpherePay, On track to become Southeast Asia's Biggest Mobile Payment Platform
Last year, SpherePay announced its strategic partnership with oBike, Southeast Asia's largest bike sharing operator. In a move that is set to deepen its partnership, SpherePay will integrate oBike's operating system into its app.

Senin, 29 Januari 2018 16:09:00
Out-of-school children cost Asia billions in lost GDP: DHL report
According to the report, some of Asia's fastest-growing economies may struggle to reach their full potential due to high rates of out-of-school children, with some countries deprived of up to 2 percent of their GDP as a result.

Senin, 29 Januari 2018 16:07:00
Chubb Appoints New Country President for Korea
Mr. Ler joined Chubb in 2013 as Senior Vice President and Regional Head of Personal Lines, which includes oversight for Motor, Residential, High Net Worth and Specialty Personal Lines.